Sweet Spotlights!

It's all about YOU!

Paying it forward. 

We want to spotlight other fabulous businesses, 

and help you generate new clients.

Drop us a note if you would like to be in our next

"Sweet Spotlight"

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I have frequently been asked, “Why should I use a travel agent?” and “I thought travel agents were a thing of the past!”  I’m quick to respond, “I’m not a travel agent, I’m a travel consultant! I do not represent any particular destination or cruise line, I work for you.”  So, why call me when you can do everything yourself...

Selah Photography

Wedding & Portrait Photography

 Dallas/Fort Worth TX

Jill Harper is the owner and principal photographer for Selah Photography.
                                      Email: info@selahphotography.com            Phone: 817-741-3419

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